How To Make Garlic Oil Without Botulism?

Garlic oil is a flavorful and versatile addition to various dishes, including salads and stir-fries. However, making your garlic oil entails the risk of botulism, a potentially fatal bacterial disease. When garlic-infused oil is not properly prepared and stored, botulism can occur. This article, will explain how to make garlic oil without botulism.

Understanding Garlic Oil

Garlic oil is a food mixture made by adding raw garlic to cooking oil. To make it, chop or mince raw garlic very small, briefly blanch it in hot oil to kill any bacteria that might be there, let the mixture cool, and then put it in an airtight container and put it in the fridge. It gives food a strong garlic taste, but it needs to be eaten within a week or two to keep it from going bad or botulism.


  • Fresh garlic bulbs
  • Oil used for cooking (such as olive, canola, or vegetable oil)
  • A spotless, dry, covered glass container

How To Make Garlic Oil Without Botulism?


1. Gather Supplies

Ensure that your workspace is spotless and devoid of potential contamination sources. Before handling garlic, you must thoroughly wash your hands.

2. Prepare Garlic

Take the garlic cloves off their skins and cut them up very small. You can change the size of the portions based on how much garlic taste you want. The garlic needs to be as fresh as possible.

3. Sanitize The Container

Purify a glass jar with a lid. To sanitize the container, boil it for a few minutes or run it through a dishwasher set to high heat. This step is necessary to guarantee that the container contains no harmful bacteria.

4. Heat The Oil

The heating oil is placed in a saucepan. It should be heated over low to medium heat. Please do not allow the liquid to reach a stage where it begins to smoke or boil. Maintain a temperature of approximately 180 degrees Fahrenheit (82 degrees Celsius) to ensure the garlic is heated sufficiently to eradicate bacteria without browning.

5. Blanch The Garlic

Once the oil has reached the appropriate temperature, add the garlic that has been finely minced. Allow it to blanch for 1 to 2 minutes while gently swirling. This phase is essential for eradicating any possible botulism spores. Ensure that the garlic does not turn brown.

6. Cool The Mixture

Take the oil and garlic mixture off the flame and cool to room temperature. This step preserves the essence of the garlic while reducing the risk of botulism.

7. Transfer To The Container

Carefully pour the garlic-infused oil into the sterilized glass jar. The container should be securely sealed to prevent air and moisture from entering.

8. Store Properly

Refrigerate the container for storage. To ensure its safety, garlic oil should be used within one to two weeks.

9. Monitor For Signs Of Spoilage

Check the garlic oil periodically for evidence of spoilage as you use it. It may be a sign of bacterial growth if you detect strange odors, color changes, or cloudiness. In such cases, the oil must be discarded promptly.


About one to two weeks of homemade garlic-infused olive oil can be safely stored in the refrigerator. The risk of bacterial growth, including botulism, increases after this period. Using or discarding the fat within this timeframe is essential to ensure food safety. If not consumed within two weeks, consider creating smaller batches to reduce waste and preserve freshness.


  • Employed Fresh Garlic: Start with fresh stalks of garlic. Avoid using old or sprouting garlic, as this increases the risk of bacterial contamination.
  • Maintaining Clean Equipment: Before beginning, ensure that all utensils, containers, and equipment are spotless and dry. Any residual moisture or contaminants can promote the proliferation of bacteria.
  • Suitable heating: Maintain a low to medium temperature for the oil while blanching the garlic. Never allow the oil to smoke or reach a rolling simmer; doing so can alter its composition and diminish its quality.
  • Stir Carefully: While blanching the garlic in oil, ensure even heating by stirring gently. This serves to distribute heat and kill any potential bacteria evenly.
  • Frigid: Let the oil with garlic cool at room temperature before putting it in the storage container. Too fast of cooling can cause a vacuum effect that could make bacteria grow.
  • Refrigerate Immediatel: As soon as the oil has cooled, promptly refrigerate it. The refrigerator inhibits bacterial growth by keeping the oil below 40°F (4°C).
  • Date and Label: Write the date that the garlic oil was made on the bottle. This way, you can keep track of how fresh it is and make sure you use it within the time limit.
  • Avoid Dampness: Make sure the garlic is completely dry before you add it to hot oil. Bacteria are more likely to grow when there is moisture around.
  • Utilize a New Container: Before each use, ensure that a glass container has been thoroughly cleaned and sanitized. Utilizing a new container is a safer alternative.
  • Reject if Suspicious: Do not take any chances if you detect any strange aromas, color changes, or cloudiness in the garlic oil. To ensure safety, it is preferable to dispose of the oil.

By adhering to our safe preparation and storage guidelines, you can safely enjoy the rich, aromatic flavor of homemade garlic oil. With a few precautions, you can confidently create this kitchen staple to enhance your culinary creations.

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