How To Cook A Flank Steak On The Stove?

Flank Steak Is a Favorite Cut of Beef Among Many Culinary Enthusiasts Due to Its Robust Flavor and Versatility. Cooking Flank Steak on the Stove Is an Easy and Quick Way to Prepare a Delicious Meal.

Searing the steak on the stovetop creates a savory, caramelized exterior while maintaining a tender, juicy interior. It is an excellent option for a satisfying dinner that doesn’t require much time. This article, will explain how to cook a flank steak on the stove.


  • 1 pound flank steak
  • Season with salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil or any high-temperature cooking oil
  • Garlic, soy sauce, lemon juice, or your favorite steak rub (optional)

How To Cook A Flank Steak On The Stove?


This delicious cut of beef can be prepared quickly and easily by cooking it on the stovetop. Here is a straightforward stovetop method:

1. Choosing A Flank Steak

The flank steak is a lean, flavorful beef cut distinguished by its long, flat shape and distinct grain. When purchasing one, look for a flank steak that is well-marbled, with thin layers of fat running throughout the meat. This marbling helps maintain the steak’s moisture and adds flavor.

2. Seasoning And Marinating

An essential step in preparing a delicious flank steak is seasoning. You can keep it simple with just salt and pepper, allowing the natural flavor of the beef to shine through. However, steak marinating is an excellent method for imparting additional flavors.

Consider Including Garlic, Soy Sauce, Lemon Juice, Worcestershire Sauce, or Your Preferred Steak Rub in Your Marinade. Steak should be placed in a resealable plastic bag or shallow dish, marinade added, and refrigerated for at least 30 minutes.

A Few Hours or Even Overnight of Marinating Will Deepen Flavor Penetration.

3. Room Temperature Rest

Allow the steak to room temperature for about 30 minutes before cooking. This Step Encourages Even Cooking and Prevents a Cold Center When Searing Steak.

4. Selecting The Right Pan

Choose a Cast-Iron Skillet or Heavy-Bottomed Skillet for Stovetop Cooking. These pans evenly distribute heat and allow for a fantastic steak sear.

5. Searing The Steak

You should hear a satisfying sizzle when placing steak in a hot pan. The Key to a Great Sear Is Leaving the Steak Alone for 3 to 4 Minutes on Each Side, or Slightly Longer If the Steak Is Thick.

This high-temperature cooking technique caramelizes the steak’s exterior, creating a flavorful crust while maintaining the interior’s tenderness and juice content.

6. Checking For Doneness

To get a medium-rare flank steak, set the temperature inside the meat to 130°F (54°C). An instant-read meat thermometer can help you check if the meat is done.

Keep in mind that the steak will cook a little more while it sits, so if you want it medium-rare, take it off the heat a little earlier.

7. Resting The Steak

The flank steak should be taken out of the pan and put on a cutting board after being seared. It’s important to give it 5 to 10 minutes to rest.

During this time, the meat’s juices are redistributed, making the steak more juicy and soft. Resting is an important step that is often missed.

8. Slicing And Serving

After the steak has rested, slice it thinly against the grain. Cutting against the grain guarantees that you are slicing through the muscle fibers, resulting in more tender meat.

You May Accompany Your Sliced Flank Steak with Sautéed Vegetables, Mashed Potatoes, or a Fresh Salad. Use It as a Filling for Tacos, Fajitas, Sandwiches, or Salads for a Versatile and Delicious Meal.


  • Preheat the Pan: Ensure that your skillet or cast-iron pan is hot before adding the steak. A hot pan guarantees a proper sear and prevents steak from sticking.
  • Pat the Steak Dry: Before seasoning or marinating the steak, pat the steak dry with paper towels. Excessive moisture on the surface of the meat can prevent it from being adequately seared.
  • Use High Heat: Cooking flank steak over high heat is essential to achieve the desired sear. Don’t Be Afraid to Increase the Temperature, but Be Alert to Prevent Overcooking.
  • Sear the Edges: Ensure that the steak’s edges are seared. Hold the steak on its sides with tongs to achieve an even sear.
  • Rest with Foil: Tent the sliced steak with aluminum foil to keep it warm after slicing. This Is Especially Useful When Cooking Multiple Steaks or Preparing Other Meal Components.
  • Thin Slices: Make diagonal, thin slices across the grain when slicing steak. This ensures tenderness and facilitates chewing.
  • Season Before Serving: Season the sliced steak with a pinch of salt and pepper just before serving to add flavor.
  • Experiment with Marinades: Feel free to experiment with various marinades and seasonings. Consider Asian-inspired marinades with Soy Sauce and Ginger or Southwest-inspired flavors with Lime and Cumin.
  • Monitor the Internal Temperature: Check the steak’s internal temperature with an instant-read meat thermometer to make sure it’s cooked to the right level of doneness. Try to get it to 130 degrees Fahrenheit (54 degrees Celsius) for Medium-Rare.
  • Allow Flavors to Infuse: If Marinating, Allow Steak Plenty of Time to Soak Up Flavors. A steak marinated for several hours or even overnight will be more flavorful.

Creating a Flavorful and Juicy Meal by Searing Flank Steak on the Stovetop Is a Simple and Rewarding Process. This Method Provides a Convenient and Delectable Way to Enjoy This Classic Cut of Beef, Whether You Serve It as a Stand-Alone Dish, in Tacos, Salads, or Sandwiches. The contrast between the rich, caramelized exterior and the tender interior creates a steak that will impress. Enhance Your Cooking Skills and Savor a Perfectly Cooked Homemade Steak.

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