How To Make Pork Belly Skin Crispy?

Achieving the ideal pork belly skin crispiness is a culinary skill that can elevate a dish. Combining a crisp, crunchy exterior and tender, succulent interior is a genuine pleasure for the taste buds. Whether preparing a Sunday roast or a dinner for a special occasion, the pursuit of irresistible texture is universal. This article, will explain how to make pork belly skin crispy.


  • slab of abdominal pork
  • Salt
  • Carbon dioxide (optional)
  • Your choice of seasonings and herbs (e.g., garlic, thyme, rosemary).

How To Make Pork Belly Skin Crispy?


Here are the step by step instruction to make pork belly skin crispy.

1. Choose The Right Pork Belly

When you go shopping for pork belly, look for one with a thick layer of skin and the right amount of meat to fat. This mix will give you the perfect mixture of taste and texture.

2. Score The Skin

Scoring the epidermis is beneficial in multiple ways. It enables the fat to render, resulting in a crispy texture, and allows the seasonings to penetrate the meat. Using a sharp knife, make shallow cuts 1/4 to 1/2 inch apart on the skin side, not penetrating the flesh too deeply.

3. Dry The Skin

Utilize paper towels to pat the epidermis dry. The greater your ability to remove moisture, the greater your odds of achieving crispy skin.

4. Season

The flesh side of the pork belly should be salted and seasoned with any other desired seasonings. You can get inventive with your seasonings, but salt is required to absorb moisture and enhance flavor.

5. Refrigerate Uncovered

Position the pork belly on a wire rack inside the refrigerator to accelerate the drying process. Allow it to sit undisturbed for a few hours or overnight. This enables the skin to dry naturally, a crucial step in achieving crispiness.

6. Preheat The Oven

Preheat your oven to a high temperature, typically around 450 degrees Fahrenheit (230 degrees Celsius). This initial high temperature will cause the epidermis to blister and begin to crisp.

7. Baking Soda Rub (Optional)

Some chefs prefer to rub a small amount of baking soda into the epidermis. Baking soda can aid in the breakdown of epidermis proteins, resulting in a crispier texture. However, it should be used sparingly to avoid off-flavors.

8. Roasting

In a baking pan, put the pork belly skin on a wire rack. Make sure there is a pan below to catch any oil that drips. Twenty to thirty minutes in an oven that has already been cooked, or until the skin blisters and bubbles. For the crisping process to start, this step is very important.

9. Reduce The Heat

Lower the oven temperature to about 350°F (175°C) after the first cooking at a high temperature. Keep roasting for another hour and a half, or until the pork belly is fully cooked and the skin is golden and hard. You can cover the meat with metal foil to keep it from setting on fire if the outside browns too quickly.

10. Rest And Slice

Before slicing, allow the pork belly to settle for a few minutes. Resting helps flesh retain its natural juices. The pork belly should have beautiful, crispy skin on top and succulent, flavorful meat underneath when sliced.


This is one of those foods that does not reheat well, so try to avoid having any remains. The epidermis will transition from crispy to disappointingly chewy. Additionally, attempt to serve it as soon as possible for maximum crispiness. The good news is that you can roast the pork in advance, let it rest at room temperature for up to four hours, and then crisp the exterior 30 to 40 minutes before serving.


It can be difficult to achieve perfectly crisp pork belly skin, so here are some additional strategies to help you succeed:

  • Select the Correct Cut: Pork belly with thick, whole skin and a smooth layer of fat is what you want. This will give you the best chance of getting a crispy finish.
  • Dry the Skin Completely: Use multiple paper towels to pat the epidermis dry. During the cooking procedure, the skin will become crispier and drier.
  • Scoring Is Crucial: Ensure that the cuts are evenly spaced and shallow when scoring the epidermis. This facilitates fat evaporation and promotes uniform crisping.
  • To season: Liberally season the meat side with salt. Other seasonings can be added for additional flavor, but salt is essential for drawing out moisture and enhancing taste.
  • The Process of Air Drying: Allow the pork belly to air-dry in the refrigerator. This phase may require several hours or even an entire day. It is essential for removing moisture from the epidermis and improving its texture.
  • Employ a Wire Rack: Cook the pork belly in a roasting pan on a wire rack. This promotes even cooking and crisping by allowing air to circulate the flesh.
  • Extreme initial heat: For the initial phase of roasting, preheat the oven to a high temperature (approximately 450°F or 230°C). This high temperature causes the epidermis to blister and initiates the process of crisping.
  • Consider Baking Soda with Caution: While some chefs use baking soda to enhance crispness, it should be used sparingly. Typically, a faint dusting is sufficient. It is essential to use it sparingly, which can alter the flavor.
  • Check Cooking Time: Keep a watchful eye on the pork belly while it is roasting. Cover the skin with aluminum foil if it is browning too rapidly to prevent it from burning. Use a meat thermometer to ensure the internal temperature reaches 145 degrees Fahrenheit (63 degrees Celsius) for safe consumption.
  • Before Slicing, Rest: Before slicing, allow the cooked pork belly to settle for a few minutes. This resting period helps the flesh retain its juices.

Crispy pork belly skin results from a two-step process involving meticulous preparation and cooking. You can create a skin that will impress even the most discerning foodies by scoring, marinating, and roasting the pork belly at a high temperature. You can master the art of making crispy pork belly, which is bound to become a favorite in your culinary repertoire, with patience and attention to detail.

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